기술과 신뢰로 미래조선 해양산업을
이끄는 선도자, KOMERI
기술과 신뢰로 미래조선 해양산업을
이끄는 선도자, KOMERI
기술과 신뢰로 미래조선 해양산업을
이끄는 선도자, KOMERI
기술과 신뢰로 미래조선 해양산업을
이끄는 선도자, KOMERI
Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute establishes certification system to carry out product and performance certification services for shipbuilding and marine plant equipment. The institute is accredited by KAS(Korea Accreditation System) and authorizes the use of certifications and KOMERI mark.
Certification Review Committee consists of a manufacturer or producer, customers, academic institutions, public institution and a product certification organization. Committee members shall deliberate the following matters related to certification.